Nadine Bub

Hundeflo-dog trainer in Oberösterreich

Why I became a dog trainer for the Innviertel:

I was a client of Hundeflo myself with our male Labrador, who was one and a half years old at the time.
We had quite a few problems with him that we wouldn’t have been able to get under control without Hundeflo.
I was so impressed with the quick results and rapid progress my dog made.
My interest in this job grew from training session to training session until I finally decided to take this step.

Residence: Untergriesbach
Area of application: Innviertel

What I love about this job:

Everything I love about life is combined in this profession.
With the knowledge I have acquired, I would like to show many dog owners how simple and uncomplicated dog training can be.

“Rules bring more quality of life for two- and four-legged friends.”
