Sabrina Moswitzer
Hundeflo-dog trainer Kärnten
Why I became a dog trainer for Kärnten:
I have loved animals from a young age and spend every free minute in nature. It was clear to me early on that I would one day fulfill my dream of working with animals. However, for a long time I didn’t know what form this would take. After studying and working in management, I felt out of place in an office environment.
In my search for a job that would challenge me and make me happy, I got my first dog. Contrary to expectations, however, there were a few problems in living with my new companion. Unfortunately, I couldn’t get the problems under control with other dog schools I tried. When I finally ended up at Hundeflo, I was suddenly able to achieve my goals surprisingly quickly.
After looking for reinforcement for the Hundeflo team in Kärnten, I seized the opportunity and completed the demanding training as a dog trainer. Today I couldn’t be happier!
Residence: Schiefling am Wörthersee
Area of application: Kärnten
“Rules bring more quality of life for two- and four-legged friends.”
Workshops and events
with Sabrina Moswitzer
Unfortunately there are currently no workshops available …