Sabrina Moswitzer

Hundeflo-dog trainer Kärnten

Why I became a dog trainer for Kärnten:

I have loved animals from a young age and spend every free minute in nature. It was clear to me early on that I would one day fulfill my dream of working with animals. However, for a long time I didn’t know what form this would take. After studying and working in management, I felt out of place in an office environment.

In my search for a job that would challenge me and make me happy, I got my first dog. Contrary to expectations, however, there were a few problems in living with my new companion. Unfortunately, I couldn’t get the problems under control with other dog schools I tried. When I finally ended up at Hundeflo, I was suddenly able to achieve my goals surprisingly quickly.

After looking for reinforcement for the Hundeflo team in Kärnten, I seized the opportunity and completed the demanding training as a dog trainer. Today I couldn’t be happier!

Residence: Schiefling am Wörthersee
Area of application: Kärnten

What I love about the job:

Every day is different and I get to call nature my workplace and my dog my work colleague. Helping other dog owners and their four-legged friends and showing them how easy dog training can be and how suitable it can be for everyday life fulfills me every time. It’s simply wonderful to see what an intimate bond can develop between dog and owner through Hundeflo training and when both can go through everyday life together in a relaxed manner.

“Rules bring more quality of life for two- and four-legged friends.”

Workshops and events
with Sabrina Moswitzer

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